Greetings! I am a Cybersecurity and Computer Systems Assistant Professor at the Brazilian Aeronautics Institute of Technology ( My expertise lies in Systems Security, designing and implementing attack and defense solutions against advanced persistent threats. My research focuses on advancing state-of-the-art cybersecurity techniques and practices to make the digital world safer.
We heavily employ Machine Learning and Data Science in our projects with a focus on the following domains:
Malware analysis: static, adversarial, and characterization for Windows, Android, and Phishing.
Next-generation IDS: utilizing advanced features like Wi-Fi CSI, advanced kernel logging systems, and ebpf to strengthen protection mechanisms (host and network) using anomaly- and signature-based approaches.
Exploitation of systems at scale: encompassing IoT (also industrial) systems, SOHO Wi-Fi routers, and Smart-TVs.
Advanced threat modeling of autonomous cars networking technologies (WAVE, C-V2X, and 5G/6G) for potential exploitation and protection.
Development of security functionalities: Windows Processing Admission Driver, packet filtering, and core IPsec for lightweightIP and mTCP stacks.
I co-authored the CVE-2022-46552.
PhD in Computer and Mathematical Sciences, 2016
University of Sao Paulo
MSc in Computer and Mathematical Sciences, 2010
University of Sao Paulo
BSc (hons) in Computer Science, 2007
University of Alfenas
Selected papers
He acts as a reviewer for IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE ACCESS, IEEE LATIN AMERICA TRANSACTIONS, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, JNSM, Vehicular Communications (Elsevier), ACM Transaction on Internet Technologies, MDPI SENSORS, and IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. In addition, he has been in TPC of domestic workshops and congresses since 2016: SBSeg’2022, SBRC’2021/2022, WGRS, WCGA, WTG. Moreover, recently, he has been included in GLOBECOM 2022’s TPC.
[SBRC/WTG] Creator of the Workshop on Scientific Initiation and Graduation Works in the Bazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC). Lourenço proposed and conceived the workshop, serving as a scientific entry venue for undergraduate students. Domestic-wide contribution impact.
[IFSP/WTI] Creator of the IFSP IT Workshop. Statewide contribution impact.
[LARC] ITA’s representative of ITA at the National Laboratory of Computer Networks (LARC).